• Portia spiders can walk on every type of spider silk without getting stuck that they have tested thus far, a pretty unusual adaptation
  • Portia spiders have exhibited detour behavior, meaning they see and recognize prey and will determine the best and safest route to approach the prey. Sometimes this involves an elaborate, long detour
Portia spiders have displayed some of the most capable and intelligent hunting strategies ever witnessed in the animal kingdom. Here are several of those different strategies that have been studied at length:
  • Cryptic mimicry by looking like detritus or leaf litter and remaining motionless if it notices its prey surveying its surroundings. Moves very slowly to remain camoflauge and draws its pedipalps in so they are noticed
  • Shaking another spider's web in perfect timing to imitate an insect that has been caught in it and thus draw the prey out of its hiding place. This can be done in a manner of different ways, and is called nest probing. Research has shown that the portia spider will engage in species-specific web shaking that elicits a response from its prey
  • When approaching a spider on its own web, the portia spider will only move when a gust of wind blows by in order to keep the other spider from recognizing its advance
  • Portia spiders approach spitting spiders from behind in order to stay out of range of the dangerous venom they are capable of spraying their prey with venom
  • Portia spiders contain a venomous bite that is just sufficient to kill other spiders and insects
  • Portia spiders display amazing patience and have been observed studying their prey for 3 whole days before moving in to attack. Along with this trait is excellent vision